Tuesday, August 3, 2010




理论不想说太多,我觉得你可以在家陪琦琦玩一些手脚眼协调的游戏,甚至增进身体平衡的运动。比如说,玩bean bag。你可以用件旧衣的袖子,把它剪下,或者袜子,里边灌些豆子或米粒,封好两端,如果没有缝衣机,就用橡皮圈绑得紧紧的,大概一个巴掌大小。豆袋在家里玩比较适合,因为它不会滚动。可以抛接,可以做平衡运动,还可以带动唱。市面上有很多版本的歌,如果你不爱唱,也可以唸,当着口号。以下是个例子:

Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp
Throw the bean bag and catch
Turn around, turn around, stamp, stamp, stamp

Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room

Put it on your shoulder
Put it on your elbow
Put it on your knee
Put it on your back now

Put it on your stomach
Put it on your finger
Put it on your foot
Put it on your arm now

Put it on your head and walk around the room
Put it on your head and walk around the room

如果你可以忍受凌乱,把家里的cushions 枕头放在地上,就让她跳呀玩呀。再不然把矮凳椅子排成一个obstacle game,让她爬呀躜呀。就利用你家里的资源,让她爬爬跳跳是没有关系的。试下啦。


koon said...


sk fong said...

阿哈哈哈, 同佢玩玩head shoulders knees and toes 的游戏, 或者拍拍手拍拍腿的游戏, 可以培养小朋友的节奏感....
多啲陪佢玩, 自己都可以得到乐趣, 唔好乱乱over-prescribed,给自己无谓的压力.